Educational Discounts

Welcome Educators and Students!

3D-Fuel is proud to support 3D Printing in Education! We offer discounts on almost all our products to help schools and universities stretch their education dollars!

Example Discount Pricing:

Filament Regular Price Educational Price
Standard PLA  € 29,50 € 24,50
EasiPrint PLA 31,00 26,00
Workday PLA 34,50 27,50
Pro PLA 39,50 29,50

Beer, Coffee, Trash, etc.

37,50 32,75
Entwined Hemp-filled 43,00 37,50

To receive your educational discount:

1. Register (setup) an account on the 3D-Fuel website (click the link to the left)


2. Complete the form below

We will receive your request in and modify your account to automatically receive a discount on all your purchases. Once we have upgraded your account, we will email you to let you know it's active. You will see the retail pricing marked through, and your price visible on each item. The discount varies but is often 10% or more. Thank you for what you do! Education is the key to the future! The 3D-Fuel Team.